Trick or Treat!

Hooray, I actually got these posted before Thanksgiving! Ben's costume was so much fun this year...we saw it in a magazine. He was basically grass with his hair spiked up and green, with snakes and bugs all over him. Hannah was a beautiful butterfly, and the two little girls dressed as mermaids. Nina borrowed her costume from a friend, and Olivia's was made with an old white onesie and an inexpensive aqua blue sweatsuit. I made puffy star fish out of pink felt for her mermaid bra, and cut the jacket of the sweatsuit up to make layers of fins down the front of the pants. I left them as pants so she could still get around. We carved pumpkins that day (so nice having Halloween on a Saturday this year!) and I made hot cider and chili. Grandma Ruthie stopped by with treat bags for the kids, and Grandma Becky and Grandpa Harold came by later while we were watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and sorting candy.

Nina didn't last very long trick or treating this year. She had to pee when we were only a block away, and whined most of the time. What? Trick or treating is supposed to be FUN, don't you know? Olivia was happy because we gave her a lollipop. So she was content in the stroller, bouncing her little mermaid legs up and down along the way. And I couldn't even keep up with Ben and Hannah!