The world's smallest standing person.
This is a week over due, but my baby is now 11 months! She can stand on her own, and sometimes she'll take one or two steps, but then she gets nervous and drops to her hands and knees. She waves bye-bye with both hands and says, "BAH-buh." She blows kisses by putting her hand over her mouth and leaving it there, and claps whenever someone says, "Yay!" When she gets her hands on anyone's cell phone, she holds it up to her ear and talks really loudly, "Dadada!"
She likes most food, but she just doesn't have a really big appetite. She's about 18 pounds (the same as her 7 month old cousin). She is also getting into cupboards and drawers and clearing them comes trouble! Time to get some cabinet locks. She's almost figured out how to go down the stairs, since Clayton and my dad were coaching her for about an hour last night. She's super smart, and super cute. I love you Olivia! And I LOVE kissing your soft little cheeks. I can't believe it's almost your birthday.