Some fun with my little Peter Pan, before he grows up. I wish he could stay little with me forever. Seriously considering moving to Neverland.
“You won’t forget me, Peter, will you, before spring-cleaning time comes?
Of course Peter promised, and then he flew away. He took Mrs. Darling’s kiss with him. The kiss that had been for no one else Peter took quite easily. Funny. But she seemd satisfied.”
Peter at Indian Camp.
Peter is never afraid to fight that cod fish, Captain Hook!
"You just think lovely wonderful thoughts," Peter explained, "and they lift you up in the air." - J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
"Oh, the cleverness of me!" said Peter.
"She also said she would give him a kiss if he liked, but Peter did not know what she meant, and he held out his hand expectantly." - J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
“You must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by; but some of them are golden only because we let them slip by.”